
This Holiday Season: Re-Connect

Re-ConnectThe holidays may be a time to take a break from your hectic professional career and spend time with family and friends. However, this time of the year, also provides the perfect opportunity to re-connect with your established network.

Our society views the holiday season as a time of joy, reflection and transition. Holiday family cards are now a norm and it would seem odd if these were sent out in July, or any other month. Following the same logic, the holidays provide an opportunity to re-connect within an acceptable framework. While LinkedIn has revolutionized networking, the personal message still remains the most effective networking tool; now is no better time.

A job change, a promotion, or a new degree, all present a perfect update for holiday networking. Furthermore, the holiday season is an ever-expanding period; holiday music now plays from Black Friday to early January. Instead of wasting a precious day when you can be with family and friends, break up your Holiday Networking into achievable sizes on a weekly or daily basis for the month. Furthermore, unless you have a substantial update, there is nothing wrong with dividing your networking list in half, or thirds, to create a Holiday Networking cycle.

Beyond personal messages, one cannot forget the opportunities presented at holiday parties. These provide a perfect opportunity to let people know of your career developments. Leaving your business cards at home, furthermore, could cost you an easy new connection.

The holiday season should be a time to relax, rejoice and rejuvenate for another year. However, it also presents a perfect opportunity to further and strength your network. With little effort, and without consuming your holiday spirits, Holiday Networking can create lasting benefits for your career.

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